it is said|it be say in English

some say, it is claimed, people say

Use "it is said|it be say" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "it is said|it be say" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "it is said|it be say", or refer to the context using the word "it is said|it be say" in the English Dictionary.

1. Mr. Johnson didn't say it under oath, he just said it.

2. 5 Cool waxing is said to be quickest, but advocates of hot wax say that it is much more efficient.

3. She is, it must be said, extraordinarily beautiful.

4. Cool waxing is said to be quickest,[sentencedict .com] but advocates of hot wax say that it is much more efficient.

5. 17 In stories the subject often comes after said, says or say when it follows the actual words spoken, unless it is a pronoun. Be quiet, I have something to say.

6. He said what surgeons always say: "We got it all."

7. It is said that pound sterling will be upvalued.


9. " So be it ", said the wind

10. He said that he would be bringing a friend with him but, significantly, didn't say who it was.

11. It is difficult to say when he actually joined it , but it must be some time in 1904 .

12. I said then and I will say again that it is time to admit that this form of European government is an abject failure and that it should be abolished.

13. 'It shall be what o'clock I say it is', thunders Petruchio (4.3.189)--thundering is what Braggarts do

14. It can be said of moral turpitude.

15. 'It won't be easy,' he said grimly.

16. “It would be abhorrent to me to be up there faking it,” he said

17. He wouldn't say why, just said it was one of his morbid moods.

18. Glaucoma, they say it is.

19. It is too early to say whether insurance premiums will be affected.

20. In at least how many different ways can it be said that Jehovah God is unique, and why can it be said that he is incomparable as to authority?

21. Boris is a "say it like it is or say nothing at all" sort of guy.

22. It is through Bonded transport that said cargo is allowed to be moved.

23. It would be entirely logical to say that the answer is construction.

24. I thought you said it would be empty.

25. Fran: Why? You said it would be great.